2018 - 2019
2018 - 2019
FALL 2018
Monday, August 20th – Fall Session begins
Monday, September 3rd – SCHOOL CLOSED – LABOR DAY
Monday, October 29th through Saturday, November 10th – Parents' Observation classes
Thursday, November 22nd – SCHOOL CLOSED – THANKSGIVING DAY
Friday, November 23rd – SCHOOL CLOSED* –THANKSGIVING FRIDAY (*except classes/performances for performers)
Friday, November 23rd through Sunday, November 25th – “The Nutcracker” @ Lesher Center for the Arts
Monday, December 24th through Sunday, January 6th – SCHOOL CLOSED – WINTER BREAK
Monday, January 7th – Spring Session begins
Monday, February 18th – SCHOOL CLOSED – PRESIDENTS’ DAY
Monday, March 4th through Saturday, March 16th – Parents’ Observation classes
Monday, April 1st through Sunday, April 7th – SCHOOL CLOSED – SPRING BREAK
Wednesday, May 1st – Tuition for May & June (June pro-rated) due in one payment
Friday, May 24th and Saturday, May 25th – “Spring Rep'” @ Lesher Center for the Arts
Saturday, June 8th and Sunday, June 9th – "Student Showcase" at Diablo Valley College Performing Arts Center
Sunday, June 9th – Spring Session ends
FALL 2018
Monday, August 20th – Fall Session begins
Monday, September 3rd – SCHOOL CLOSED – LABOR DAY
Monday, October 29th through Saturday, November 10th – Parents' Observation classes
Thursday, November 22nd – SCHOOL CLOSED – THANKSGIVING DAY
Friday, November 23rd – SCHOOL CLOSED* –THANKSGIVING FRIDAY (*except classes/performances for performers)
Friday, November 23rd through Sunday, November 25th – “The Nutcracker” @ Lesher Center for the Arts
Monday, December 24th through Sunday, January 6th – SCHOOL CLOSED – WINTER BREAK
Monday, January 7th – Spring Session begins
Monday, February 18th – SCHOOL CLOSED – PRESIDENTS’ DAY
Monday, March 4th through Saturday, March 16th – Parents’ Observation classes
Monday, April 1st through Sunday, April 7th – SCHOOL CLOSED – SPRING BREAK
Wednesday, May 1st – Tuition for May & June (June pro-rated) due in one payment
Friday, May 24th and Saturday, May 25th – “Spring Rep'” @ Lesher Center for the Arts
Saturday, June 8th and Sunday, June 9th – "Student Showcase" at Diablo Valley College Performing Arts Center
Sunday, June 9th – Spring Session ends

Board of Directors
Sandra Corsetti, President
Lauren Ashton
Connie Foos
Lei Zhou
Richard Cammack, Artistic Director
Zola Dishong, Artistic Director Emeritus
Sherri LeBlanc, Associate Artistic Director
Former Presidents
Joan Schubin
Linda Alexander
Cindy Engers
Verna Lin
Diana Bowler
Trish Bermudez
Wayne King
Heather Hamilton
Katy Young
Founded in 1974, the Contra Costa Ballet Foundation is a non-profit organization bringing the art of dance to the East Bay. Our mission is to provide affordable, professionally-staged dance performances to our community. We are also devoted to supporting a regional dance company, Contra Costa Ballet Company, and providing deserving young dancers with scholarships to be trained and gain performance experiences which will prepare them for a professional career in dance. Through various Outreach Events, the Foundation seeks to bring the ballet to local schools and the public. Contra Costa Ballet Centre is the official school of the Contra Costa Ballet Company.
The Foundation sponsors two productions each season: The Nutcracker and Spring Repertory. Each year, The Nutcracker is attended by an audience of more than 4,500. Spring Repertory features classical productions of Sleeping Beauty and Swan Lake for the greater community’s enjoyment as well as contemporary works like Alice in Wonderland. These productions offer performance opportunities for dancers of the Contra Costa Ballet Centre, as well as unique exposure to perform with professional dancers at the Lesher Center for the Arts.
Your support as a member of the Foundation helps to sponsor our two annual productions, scholarships, outreach and the Contra Costa Ballet Company. Donations over the last five years have helped to fund more than $65,000 in scholarships as well as myriad of Outreach Events throughout the community.
We invite you to support the arts in your community by becoming a member of the Contra Costa Ballet Foundation.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please feel free to contact Foundation President Sandra Corsetti at president@contracostaballet.org, or ccbfbod@gmail.com. We thank you for your support!